Thursday, October 18, 2018

That's My Jam 3: Paula Cole's Me

That's My Jam is a simple concept. It's where I share the song most stuck in my head currently. It might be new, it might be old, it might be popular, it might be completely obscure. All are presented without commentary, but I invite everyone to share their opinions on the tracks in the comments.

Paula Cole - Me (Sub EspaƱol) from andres delius on Vimeo.

This one dates back to my last days in high school and early college years. Paula Cole existed in heavy rotation on my CD player, but it was always "Me" that held a ton of my attention. The song speaks to the socially anxious and the depressed with a deep emotional resonance. It doesn't need to wear those as some kind of purposeful empowerment, but instead points that out with an air of normalcy. For all of us, we are our enemy. And ultimately everything we show to the world is only a fraction of our actual selves. Rarely does a song convey messages like that with such grace and ease while also being catchy as all get out.

Sadly, the music video seems to have faded almost to nothing. In my digging I could only find a subtitled version of the song on any shareable site. If you would like to see the video in its full glory, the African version of MTV still features it online.

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