Saturday, October 10, 2015

What's going on here?

You might notice the old site is now redirecting to a blogspot account. Otherwise, things look pretty similar, albeit with a few cosmetic changes. Why is this happening?

Well, it seems my host service got bought out by the same company that turned my last host service into incompetents. Those owners, the Endurance International Group, own about sixty different host providers now and they are all famous for being rather grossly incompetent at good service. It's a bit of a shame, as the host got great reviews when I first signed up with them. Those reviews have since been buried under a massive pile of negative ones.

Of course, I'm still contracted with my current host through January, even though they left me with an infected server with massive downtime issues. Instead of dealing with that any longer, I made the decision to move my sites over here. I do currently continue to have email server access to all my accounts outside the nick {at} account that was associated with this site. For now, the temporary email for communication with me is submissions {at} pulpempire {dot} com. This account is guaranteed to remain active until the changeover to a new server happens.

It's an annoying inconvenience and I greatly apologize to my long time readers for it. But I promise I will push through it and bring a better looking and more stable in the months ahead.

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