The next chapter of Lightweight is now under way fully. This one will bounce around the universe quite a bit and unlock some secrets of the Quadrant U long in the works. I'm genuinely excited to see this one come to fruition, but it's still got a ways to go before it is ready to head to Kickstarter.
I have always liked to bounce between projects to keep things fresh. And I have been eyeing Kindle Worlds for awhile now. So I have started my first tale set in one of those worlds. Anyone that knows me will not be surprised to learn I am going to take on the chance to write some G.I. Joe. I have big plans for the franchise as I would like to tell the entire fifty year history of the characters in a series of interconnected adventures. The first will start some interconnecting tissue between the classic character, the Adventure Team and the Real American Hero line before I continue the development over subsequent books.
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I really am serious to see this expand into a real epic. After the first story focused on the early era Joe, I want to do tales of all the later eras: Adventure Team, Super Joe, early RAH, sub-team era RAH, Sgt. Savage, Extreme, Valor Vs. Venom and Sigma 6. If I finish them all it will be a true epic. For now I am starting small with a story of the second man to carry the name G.I. Joe and his rescue of a man named Mike Power from enemy hands....
But more on that in the future. In the mean time, keep reading folks and I will keep writing!
[…] some classic Hulk comics, watched a bit too much of a modern superhero mistake, all in between my regular writing projects and continuing my attempt to catch up on Lucha […]